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The story of Oedipus is a tale about friendship and a shared passion for beer. But it is also a story about colour, exciting flavours, striking labels and experimental brews.

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How it started

The story of Oedipus starts with four friends. Alex, Paul, Sander and Rick worked together at Beertemple in Amsterdam, a bar dedicated to American beer. They set themselves one challenging goal, to make flavoursome and unique beer to be enjoyed by all. So in 2010, they took the first step and started home brewing beer in a small apartment. In the two years that followed, they gained extensive knowledge and started to produce more beer than they could drink. It was time to share their creations with the world, so they launched their company, Oedipus Brewing.

In the end, festivals proved to be the best way to introduce the Netherlands to Oedipus beer. They decided to take their small brewing installation on the move, to show people on the spot how the beers are brewed.

Read more about Oedipus below ...

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A private tasting room

The need for stability soon arose. They needed a profesional brewing location, where you could taste their beer but also allowed them space to experiment. Despite a successful crowdfunding, that first attempt unfortunately failed, but in 2015 the company settled in Amsterdam-Noord.

Today, they are there still there. A large part of the building is equipped for as tasting room, including a bar with 12 taps and a large refrigerator filled with their beers. You won't go hungry either, they have some of the best burgers and fries in Amsterdam!

Expanding to a new location

Things are going so well with Oedipus that a location is also being opened in the city center of Amsterdam. The team is currently setting up a second tasting room in the old bathhouse on Javaplein. What exactly will happen here remains exciting for a while, but we are confident that it will be something special.

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Their beers are out of this world!

Oedipus brewing never sit on their laurels for long, and are notorious for coming up with some of the most inventive beers in the market! From Mannenliefde, which we have featured on The SUB, to barley wines and back, there is much to explore from this brewery.

We love bringing these beers to home draught, as well as adding them to our beer cases when we can. Their big colours, bigger flavours and huge passion for beer is a joy - I mean, who wouldn't want a beer brewed with microbes from the local zoo?

If you are visiting Amsterdam, their taproom is worth a visit as you'll get to try these cracking beers as fresh as they could be.

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